Patient Rights

H.O.P.E. Consulting, LLC in affiliation with Maverick Education & Behavioral Solutions, LLC is dedicated to providing the highest quality behavior analytic services that improves the lives of its patients and families in an ethical, socially acceptable, and science based manner. We care about the dignity and welfare of our patients.


1         Who is the Patient and what are Patient Rights?


A patient is anyone who has requested to be evaluated by, or who is being evaluated or treated by, any healthcare professional. This extends not only to healthcare professionals, but institutions and those that support them, including insurance agencies or payors of medically-related costs. Although these rights are written for Patients, the individuals to whom this agency provides services are frequently minors. Therefore, if the patient is a minor, these Patient Rights also extend to the parents/legal caregivers of the Patient.


2         Patients have the following Rights


  • To receive information prior to the start of services, in a way that is understandable, so that informed consent can be given.
  • To refuse services being offered after being notified of the benefits, alternatives, and consequences related to treatment. If this occurs, H.O.P.E. Consulting, LLC in affiliation with Maverick Education & Behavioral Solutions, LLC may discontinue evaluation or treatment.
  • Confidentiality of interactions and services, with exceptions based upon legal, ethical, and social considerations.
  • To receive services in a manner that is free from abuse, retaliation, humiliation, neglect, or exploitation.
  • To receive impartial access to behavior analytic treatment, regardless of actual or perceived race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability.
  • Open, honest, and respectful communication from the professionals at this agency, which include conversations about the needs of the Patient and family.
  • To receive effective individualized and socially significant treatment, for which quality ABA services are rendered, in adherence with research outcomes and in the least restrictive environment.
  • To access a translator, if English is limited.
  • To contact this agency or file a complaint without fear of retaliation or any barrier to service.


If you have questions regarding this notice or are concerned about Patient Rights, you may discuss it with the supervising staff involved in treatment, or contact the agency’s Administrative Office at: (916) 863-7949.




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