The Scientist-Practitioner Model
As a science, behavior analysis is constantly changing. This requires that practitioners stay abreast of the current literature and new developments to ensure the most current empirically-validated procedures are used, with the end-goal always being to provide the most effective treatment to clients. Below is a list of our past and present staff’s (names in bold) research activities, conducted in continued efforts to be good ‘scientist-practitioners,’ as well as contribute to the field of behavior analysis.
Shawler, L.A., Zhelezoglo, K.N., Miguel, C.F., & Brand, D. (2023). Procedural parameters in equivalence-based instruction with individuals diagnosed with Autism: A call for systematic research. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Advance online publication.
Hanson, R.J., Sordello, J., Engell, T.S., Miguel, C.F. (2022). The Use of the Go/No-Go Successive Matching-to-Sample Procedure with Nonverbal Auditory Stimuli to Establish Equivalence Classes and Speaker Behavior. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior.
Howland, T. G., Zhelezoglo, K. N., Hanson, R. J., Miguel, C. F., & Lantaya, C. A. (2021). The establishment of visual equivalence classes with a go/no-go successive matching-to-sample procedure. The Psychological Record, 71, 157-166.
Zhelezoglo, K. N., Hanson, R. J., Miguel, C. F., & Lionello-DeNolf, K. M. (2021). The establishment of auditory-visual equivalence classes with a go/no-go successive matching-to-sample procedure. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 115(1), 421-438.
Diaz, J. E., Luoma, S. M., & Miguel, C. F. (2020). The role of verbal behavior on the establishment of comparative relations. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.
Langton, E. K., Diaz, J. E., Cordeiro, M. C., Miguel, C. F., & Heinicke, M. R. (2020). An evaluation of matrix training to teach college students piano notes and rhythms. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Heinicke, M. R., Carr, J. E., & Copsey, C. J. (2019). Assessing preferences of individuals with developmental disabilities using alternative stimulus modalities: A review. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
LaFrance, D.L., Kazemi, E., Weiss, M.J., Gerenser, J., & Dobres, J. (2019, online first). The importance of recognizing the unique contributions of each professional in a multidisciplinary team. Behavior Analysis in Practice.
LaFrance, D. & Tarbox, J. (2019, online first). The importance of multiple exemplar instruction in the establishment of novel verbal behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Meyer, C. S., Cordeiro, M. C., & Miguel, C. F. (2019). The effects of listener training on the development of analogical reasoning. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.
Montes, C. C., Heinicke, M. R., & Geierman, D. M. (2019, online first). Using awareness training to reduce college students’ speech disfluencies in public speaking: A replication and extension. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Lantaya, C., Miguel, C. F., Howland, T., LaFrance, D., & Page, S. (2018). An evaluation of a visual-visual successive matching-to-sample procedure to establish equivalence classes in adults. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 109, 533-550.
Jennings, A. M. & Miguel, C. F. (2017). Teaching intraverbal bidirectional naming to establish generalized equivalence class performances. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 108, 269-289.
Ma, M. L., Miguel, C. F., & Jennings, A. M. (2016). Establishing equivalence classes via intraverbal naming. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 105, 409-426.
Clough, C., Meyer, C., & Miguel, C.F. (2016). The effects of blocking and joint control training on sequencing visual stimuli. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 32, 242-264.
Lee, G. P., Miguel, C. F., Darcey, E. K., & Jennings, A. M. (2015). A further evaluation of the effects of listener training on the emergence of speaker behavior and categorization in children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 30, 286-293.
Miguel, C. F., Frampton, S. E., Lantaya, C. A., LaFrance, D., Quah, K., Meyer, C. S., Elias, N. C., & Fernand, J. K. (2015). The effects of tact training on the development of analogical reasoning. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 104, 96-118.
LaFrance, D.L., Miguel, C.F., Donahue, J.N., & Fechter, T.R. (2015). A case study on the use of auditory integration training as a treatment for stereotypy. Behavioral Interventions, 30 (3), 286-293.
LaFrance, D. & Miguel, C.F. (2014). Teaching language to children with autism spectrum disorder. In P. Sturmey, J. Tarbox, D.R. Dixon, & J.L. Matson (Eds.), Handbook of Early Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorders: Research, Practice, and Policy. (pp. 403-436). New York: Springer.
Dickman, S.E., Bright, C.N., Montgomery, D.H., & Miguel, C.F. (2012). The effects of response interruption and redirection (RIRD) and differential reinforcement on vocal stereotypy and appropriate vocalizations. Behavioral Interventions, 24 (4), 185-192.
Conference Presentations
Chastain, A., Love, S., Miguel, C.F, & Luoma, S. (March, 2018). The Role of Irrelevant, Class-Consistent, and Class-Inconsistent Intraverbal Training on the Establishment of Equivalence Classes. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Santa Clara, CA.
Diaz, J., Luoma, S., & Miguel, C.F. (March, 2018). The role of verbal behavior in the development of comparative relations. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Santa Clara, CA.
Magat, K. A., Heinicke, M. R., & Buckley D. L. (March, 2018). The rehabilitation of verbal operants following acquired brain injury. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Santa Clara, CA.
Montes, C. C., Heinicke, M. R., & Geierman, D. M. (March, 2018). Using awareness training to reduce college students’ speech disfluencies in public speaking: A replication and extension. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Santa Clara, CA.
Zhelezoglo, K., Howland, T.G., Perez, A., & Miguel, C. F. (March, 2018). A further evaluation of successive matching-to-sample in establishing equivalence classes. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Santa Clara, CA.
Chastain, A., Love, S., Miguel, C.F., & Luoma, S. (November, 2017). The Role of Irrelevant, Class-Consistent, and Class-Inconsistent Intraverbal Training on the Establishment of Equivalence Classes. Poster presented at the Annual Conference for the Psychology Department at California State University, Sacramento, CA.
Chastain, A., Love, S., Miguel, C.F., & Luoma, S. (October, 2017). The Role of Irrelevant, Class-Consistent, and Class-Inconsistent Intraverbal Training on the Establishment of Equivalence Classes. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis, Reno, NV.
Chastain, A., Love, S., Miguel, C.F., & Luoma, S. (October, 2017). The Role of Irrelevant, Class-Consistent, and Class-Inconsistent Intraverbal Training on the Establishment of Equivalence Classes. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.
Chastain, A., Love, S., Miguel, C.F, & Luoma, S. (September, 2017). The Role of Irrelevant, Class-Consistent, and Class-Inconsistent Intraverbal Training on the Establishment of Equivalence Classes. Symposium conducted at the Annual California Nevada Conference, Sacramento, CA.
Darcey, E., Diaz, J., Meyer, C., Cordeiro, C., Love, S. & Miguel, C.F. (May, 2017). An evaluation of matrix training to teach piano notes and rhythms to college students. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International. Denver, CO.
Darcey, E., Diaz, J., Meyer, C., Cordeiro, C., Love, S. & Miguel, C.F. (February, 2017). An evaluation of matrix training to teach piano notes and rhythms to college students. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. Anaheim, CA.
Howland, T.G., Zhelezoglo, K., Perez, A., & Miguel, C. F. (October, 2017). Evaluating procedural parameters of successive matching-to-sample for the establishment of equivalence classes. Poster presented at the annual Fresno State Applied Behavior Analysis Conference, Fresno, CA.
Howland, T.G., Zhelezoglo, K., Perez, A., & Miguel, C. F. (October, 2017). Evaluating procedural parameters of successive matching-to-sample for the establishment of equivalence classes. Poster presented at the annual Conference of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.
Howland, T.G., Zhelezoglo, K., Miguel, C.F., Lantaya, C.A., & Page, S.V. (May, 2017). Evaluating procedural parameters of successive matching-to-sample for the establishment of equivalence classes. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of Applied Behavior Analysis International conference, Chicago, IL.
Howland, T., Lantaya, C., Page, S., LaFrance, D., Zhelezoglo, K., Grosskopf, E., & Miguel, C.F. (February, 2017). Successive matching-to-sample as an alternative to traditional matching-to-sample to produce conditional relations in adults. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. Anaheim, CA.
LaFrance, D.L., & Tarbox, J. (November, 2017). On terms: Multiple exemplar instruction and multiple exemplar training. Presented at the Ninth Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International. Paris, France.
Magat, K. A., Heinicke, M. R., & Buckley D. L. (October, 2017). The rehabilitation of verbal operants following acquired brain injury. Symposium conducted at the Annual California Nevada Conference, Sacramento, CA.
Magat, K. A., Heinicke, M. R., Copsey, K. C., Miguel, C. F., Jennings, A., & Polik, A. (February, 2017). An evaluation of instructive feedback on the emergence of novel language for children with autism spectrum disorder. Symposium presented at the Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Anaheim, CA.
Meyer, C., Lantaya, C., Cordeiro, C., Zhiranova, T., & Miguel, C.F. (February, 2017). The effects of listener training on the emergence of analogical reasoning. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. Anaheim, CA.
Darcey, E., Diaz, J., Meyer, C., Cordeiro, C., Love, S., & Miguel, C.F. (November, 2016). An evaluation of matrix training to teach piano notes and rhythms to college students. Poster presented at the Annual Fresno State Applied Behavior Analysis Conference. Fresno, CA.
Darcey, E., Diaz, J., Meyer, C. Cordeiro, C., Love, S. & Miguel, C.F. (October, 2016). An evaluation of matrix training to teach piano notes and rhythms to college students. Poster presented at the California State University Psychology Research Conference. Sacramento, CA.
Darcey, E., Diaz, J., Meyer, C., Cordeiro, C., Love, S. & Miguel, C.F. (October, 2016). An evaluation of matrix training to teach piano notes and rhythms to college students. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Nevada Association for Applied Behavior Analysis. Reno, NV.
Meyer, C., Clough, C., Miguel, C.F., Fechter, T., & Cran, S. (May, 2016). The effects of topography specific distractor tasks on joint controlled sequencing. Symposium presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International. Chicago, IL.
Jennings, A. & Miguel, C. F. (May, 2016). The role of intraverbal naming on the emergence of generalized equivalence classes. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International. Chicago, IL.
Darcey, E., Diaz, J., Meyer, C., Cordeiro, C., Love, S. & Miguel, C. (April, 2016). An evaluation of matrix training to teach piano notes and rhythms to college students. Paper presented at the Annual California Nevada Conference. Sacramento, CA.
Lantaya, C., Miguel, C.F., Howland, T., LaFrance, D., Jennings, A., Hernandez, D., & Page, S. (February, 2016). An evaluation of successive matching in the development of emergent stimulus relations. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. Santa Clara, CA.
Jennings, A., Lantaya, C., Galdieri, D., Meyer, C., Kioroglo, Y., & Miguel, C.F. (February, 2016). The role of intraverbal naming on the emergence of generalized equivalence classes. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the California Association for Behavior Analysis. Santa Clara, CA.